About us

OOur staff have been delivering training to the Landbased industries for more years than they would care to discuss with you!.

From the early days of pesticides training and the ATB through the history of ATBLandbase, Lantra and Lantra Awards, we have seen it and worn the different T-shirts.

This means that like you, we have had to keep up to date with new legislation and yes – we attend our own courses and have the tickets, the PPE and the gear to do the jobs ourselves.  So, we really understand, about getting machinery stuck and having to get help, lone working and all those daily problems, including seasonal work pressures and last minute contracts.  Over the past 30 or so years, we have expanded the range of training courses and training services to cover practically everything that anybody needs to do in the great outdoors.

You do not need to travel – we come to you. We plan your training around your schedule.